A rush job of a film, the slasher mystery thriller Schizoid (1980) came about when writer and director David Paulsen bumped into the film’s producer, Menahem Golan, asking him if he’s got any good ideas. Coming up with something for the next day, he was given a measly two weeks to polish off a script, and a few more weeks before it went into production... the only other stipulation, there’s got to be a starring part for Klaus Kinski. Not usually a recipe for success, it is immediately evident that this is guerilla film making at its most rushed. But, at the same time, something rather interesting happened – a cast came together that makes this murder mystery a bit more complex... more on that a little bit later.
Coming off as a low grade imitation of a Steven Seagal style movie... but without the flair, 1989's Red Surf, co-written and directed by H. Gordon Boos, is perhaps most intriguing for featuring George Clooney in one of his first cinematic starring roles, and Gene Simmons as his demented moral compass and kick-ass compatriot (or maybe it should be kiss-ass). Beating Point Break to the surfer storyline by a full two years, Clooney plays former hang ten icon Remar, who, after some knee issues, has decided to get his highs from smuggling and using drugs instead. Surrounded by a team of just as impressive low lifes, including number two Attila (Doug Savant) – funnily enough, ‘hun’ works quite well to describe him
After two years of cancellations, hardship and frustration, CAPE made its triumphant return this past weekend (April 23-24, 2022). The Cornwall and Area Pop Event, which has become a yearly staple in the city since its inaugural one day event back in 2015, was a rousing success. . . its two day attendance estimated somewhere north of 4000 people. One of the first large events hosted in Cornwall following the conclusion of the mask mandates, it brought some much needed normalcy to the city and its people... an expo filled with passion, hope, and comradery. For the first time in a very long while, most patrons’ smiling visages could be seen, children ecstatic, while the young at heart seemed equally as buoyed thanks to the enlivening event.
The fourth and final Missed the Bloody Cut horror selection of this year, here are some more horror movies that did not meet my strict criteria (a rating of 7.0 or higher). . . but are still entertaining films (horror fanatics may enjoy) that do not deserve to be ignored like the old haunted murder mansion on the block – and that they are definitely worth a watch (just maybe not several re-watches).
Part 3 of my Missed the Bloody Cut horror selections, here are some more horror movies that did not meet my strict criteria (a rating of 7.0 or higher). . . but are still entertaining films (horror fanatics may enjoy) that do not deserve to be left behind like an alien who needs to phone home – and that they are definitely worth a watch (just maybe not several re-watches).
Part 2 of my Missed the Bloody Cut horror selections, here are some more horror movies that did not meet my strict criteria (a rating of 7.0 or higher). . . but are still entertaining films (horror fanatics may enjoy) that do not deserve to be forgotten like that spooky attic (that may be hiding more than just dust) – and that they are definitely worth a watch (just maybe not several re-watches).
A tradition every October here on Filmizon.com, I’ve decided that I would highlight some of the horror movies that did not meet my strict criteria (a rating of 7.0 or higher). . . as I realized that they are still entertaining films (horror fanatics may enjoy) that do not deserve to be like an unseen spirit, never to be noticed again – and that they are definitely worth a watch (just maybe not several re-watches). As the introduction to my month (and a bit) of horror reviews, I’ve already been powering through a plethora of horror features as we speed towards Halloween, and, instead of posting one massive selection of Missed the Bloody Cut reviews at the end of October, I have decided to break it into several parts.